Today, Will watched his Baby Einstein DVDs for the first time. He just stared at the TV the whole time cooing at the brightly colored characters and shapes! I didn't think he would pay much attention to the TV so soon, but he seems to be having a great time! We'll just call him Will Einstein! ;-)
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Will Einstein
Today, Will watched his Baby Einstein DVDs for the first time. He just stared at the TV the whole time cooing at the brightly colored characters and shapes! I didn't think he would pay much attention to the TV so soon, but he seems to be having a great time! We'll just call him Will Einstein! ;-)
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Winter Luau?
Monday, December 29, 2008
Just a Swingin'
Here is the way Will spends his mornings. He loves swinging and looking out of the window! And, I love it, entertains him while I clean the house, take a shower, or update the blog page! Since I've learned to do most tasks with one hand, I am tempted to hold him 24 hours/day. But, it is nice to see him, so happy in the swing and me, getting some housework done.
Will's 1st Christmas
We had a Merry Christmas and are looking foward to a Happy New Year! It was so nice to see our family cuddle Will and love on him during the holidays! We are very blessed! Enjoy the slideshow of our Christmas photos!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Merry Christmas from Baby Will
Friday, December 19, 2008
We Meet Again...
I had my 6 week check up yesterday, and Will got to meet Dr. Wade Alverson again. They took their picture together. (cause' I've got to get a picture of EVERY moment!) ;-) We can't thank Dr. Alverson enough for being such a wonderful doctor. He took very good care of us and made sure that Will arrived safely! Thanks Dr. Alverson for delivering our bundle of joy!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Good Mornin' Will
Here's a video of Will when he woke up this morning. He's always so bright eyed! Turn up the volume to hear his coos and sweet little sounds, and tilt your head to the left to see him upright.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Like Father, Like Son
This shirt seems fitting, since Will is the "spitting image" of Jarrod, in my opinion. I decided to start a poll, so everyone can cast their vote for who they think Will resembles the most. Look in the top right hand corner of the page. I have a pretty good feeling these ballots will not warrant a recount!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Outgrowing the NBs
Will is growing so fast that he is outgrowing Newborn(NB) outfits that he hasn't even worn yet! Here's an outfit he is wearing for the 1st time today, and it is already a little snug around the belly region. Click on the picture to see it more closely. He just had his bath and smells SO good. Now, he's swinging away by the window watching the rain. Have a great day everybody!
War Eagle, Will!
Here's a picture of Will sporting his new Aubie hat that his Great Aunt Renee gave him. He loves it so much that he's smiling! Thanks Nay-Nay!! Maybe since Will is so cute in the Auburn gear, he can convince Grandmama Dianne, Uncle Mitchell, Uncle James, Cousin Arlo, Wade, and Blake to root for the Tigers! ;-)
Monday, December 15, 2008
The Greatest Gift...
Will's outfit says Daddy's Little Present. How Cute!
As most of you know, I absolutely LOVE Christmas time...the magic, the joy, the music, and the peace...but most of all, celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Christmas has a whole new meaning to me now that I've held Will in my arms. I look down at my own son, and I can't imagine how much God must love us to give such a precious gift, HIS only Son, to cover the debt of our sins. Wow...Amazing Love.
Rub a Dub Dub...
One Month Check Up
On December 10th, Will went to visit Dr. Matthew Carter for his first month appointment at the Pediactric Clinic. He weighed 10lbs 11oz and was 22 inches long. He had a great check up and handled his shot and heelstick well! We were very proud of him! Above are the pictures of him after his shot with Jrod, with Dr. Carter, and on the scale.
Feed the Pig!!
Off to Selma we go...
We took Will to Selma to visit everyone on December 4th and had a great time! I have the best memories of going to my Granny and PawPaw's house growing up. That house has always been filled with love. I have countless memories of time spent with my Granny, PawPaw, aunts, uncles, and cousins that just warm my heart.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
First Blog
William Reese Brandon was born Nov. 7th at 11:57pm weighing in at 8 lbs 9oz and 21 1/2 inches long. It is amazing how much love we had for Will the instant that we met him! God is SO good, and He has blessed us so much.
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