Sunday, August 22, 2010

Will's Speedo

You never know what Will and his cousins are going to get into and today was no exception. Shea and I were talking while Mackenzie and Will had gone into the other room to play this evening. When Mackenzie came back into the room she informed me that she had changed Will's diaper for me. (I'm thinking "Aw! How sweet is she?") Then Will walks in and, after Shea and I look at him, we are laughing uncontrollably! Will looked like he was wearing a speedo! Mackenzie had changed Will's diaper in Jack's room where I had already put out the newborn size diapers. (Will is currently wearing size 4 diapers)I hope these pictures brighten your day the way that silly little girl and her cousin brightened mine!


  1. This is hilarious!! new baby should be here by now. Hope things are going well!

  2. Can i come over and put my dick up his little toddler butthole
